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Meet the owner of
Stress Free Junk Removal

My name is Kai, and I am the owner of Stress Free Junk Removal.

Stress Free Junk Removal is a young junk removal company that

my friends and I run together. We've been in business for almost a year now and it has been so much fun getting to grow our own business.

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Little Background On Me

I was never that good in school. Never really took it serious. I would always ask myself "what am I studying for?" "How is this going to benefit my future?" I guess I could never really understand the point of it all. 

I remember in Sophomore year of high school my friend showed me his online business selling candles.

His business never took off but the concept of owning a business sparked something in me. Up until then I never really thought about what I wanted to do in the future, but from then on I knew exactly what I wanted to do. 

After graduating from Oakland High School I went straight into starting my own businesses. I tried a lot of business from growing Instagram pages and selling shout outs, selling jewelry, even tried my hand at phone repair. None of those businesses earned me much but each business I tried taught me lessons that I carried over to whatever business venture I tried next. 

I just turned 20 years old and here I am now running my own Junk Removal business with the help of my friends.

I am really grateful to have found a business that makes real difference in people's lives and in the community that we live in. If you didn't click off immediately and took time out of your day to read all of this I really do appreciate it. Hopefully we'll get a chance to someday work with you and make your Junk Removal experience STRESS FREE!

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